Hello, I am Hilary Wood, educator, actor, and historic interpreter. Many schools will already know me from when I was Artistic Director of Rainbow Theatre London East Ltd, a Company I ran for 14 years, providing Primary Schools with plays and workshops relevant to the curriculum.
in 2015 I left Rainbow and set up Hilary Wood Historical Characters Ltd. Starting with just two characters, I have expanded the Company since then, and can now offer you many new and varied characters to enhance your history and citizenship curriculums. I do hope you can see a character to help you bring history alive for your children. If not, let me know and I may still be able to help you! If you have any questions at all, please do contact me to discuss any aspect of our service to schools. We look forward to visiting your school.
How long does the workshop last?
All sessions are 1 hour except Florence Nightingale which is 2 hours (includes break after first 45 minutes)
How many children can you accommodate?
Up to 30 children per session, except Florence Nightingale who can accommodate up to 60
How much do you cost?
£250 for a morning (1 or 2 sessions), or £330 for a whole day (up to 4 sessions)
Price for Queen Victoria and Prince Albert on request
Virtual visits on zoom can be arranged for homeschooling either through schools or parents. Guide price for a one hour session is £5 per child, minimum £30, depending on which character you would like. Discounts available for large groups. Call or message Hilary on 07711 525740 or email enquiries@hilarywood.co.uk if you would like more details.
What do we get for that?
- A professional actor/historian experienced in acting and educational workshop leading
- Your presenter will be costumed as the historical character and bring a variety of objects for the children to see (either original artefacts or authentic reproductions )
- The session will provide opportunities for acting and role play
- You will be sent notes for teachers before the visit to help you prepare and give you ideas for follow up work
How do I book?
Fill in the form on the ‘contact us’ page of this website, or you can contact me by phone on 07711 525740 or email: enquiries@hilarywood.co.uk. Once we have mutually agreed a date and time for your booking, I will email you a booking form for completion and return.
What will I get before the visit?
I will send you an invoice plus the notes for teachers 3-4weeks before the visit